

Pastor Troy is the Chair of Rebuilding Every City Around Peace (RECAP) Initiative with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department;

  • Founding member of the City of Las Vegas Mayor’s Faith Initiative a recipient of the 2017 US Conference of Mayors City Livability Award.
  • Producer of “Believe Again Las Vegas” Documentary a Public Safety Initiative after 1 October mass shooting.
  • Executive Director of Nevada’s Sex Trafficking Awareness Campaign and Producer of Emmy Nominated Trafficked No More documentary;
  • Chair of Las Vegas Crystal Darkness (Anti-Drug) Campaign;
  • Founder of 10,000 Kids Non-Profit Org. Member Las Vegas Sheriff’s Metro Multicultural Advisory Committee.
  • Governor’s Point of Light recipient.
  • Presidential prayer team and
  • Pastor of East Vegas Christian Center.
Chief Raynard Apache Nation and Pastor Troy Martinez
Chief Raynard Apache Nation and Pastor Troy Martinez

Pastor Martinez is a member of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police’s Multicultural Committee (MMAC) since 2006.

The MMAC meets monthly with the Sheriff and community leaders to advise the Sheriff The MMAC has also collaborated with the US Department of Justice COPS Office to compile recommendations on Police and Minority Community Relations

Global Leadership Summit (GLS) of the Willow Creek Association, Chicago Illinois.

In 2016 Pastor Martinez collaborated with the Clark County Detention Center (CCDC) in Las Vegas Nevada to host the Global Leadership Summit inside the Jail

Los Angeles California inner cities violence interruption and para church ministry.

Pastor Martinez is a native of Los Angeles and was instrumental in leading gang violence intervention in the mid 1980’s thru the height of gang homicides in 1991 Los Angeles Riots 1992. The LA Riots brought a new era of tension between law enforcement and inner city communities.

Government Housing Projects / HUD Section 8 Voucher residents and violent crime in LA

Pastor Martinez established an additional Church plant in the Los Angeles Harbor area in 1993 and remained serving there thru 1998. There was an obvious connection to homicide, violent crime, drug addiction and distribution, prostitution, racial tension and gang activity and the housing projects. One example now 23 years later 46-year-old Tim a husband and father now makes $50. Per hour working at a refinery. Tim was a former Crip gang member and drug dealer who never worked a day in his life until his life changed as he was mentored through the ministry., the cycle of poverty has been broken.

Pastor Troy and wife Sandra have been married for 37 years.

Senior and founding Pastor of the East Vegas Christian Center since 1998. Founder of the 10,000 Kids Non-Profit organization since 2005. Pastor Troy has made it his life’s calling to serve in the inner cities of America Pastor Troy can go into a challenging or violent situation troubleshoot- quickly access the needs on the ground Pastor Troy has a unique perspective he gained through life experience. Born in Los Angeles to a teenage mother who herself was raised in an orphanage. Troy did not meet his father until Troy was 50 years old. Poverty, Drugs, Crime, Gangs, and cycles of violence were a social norm in the home and life as a youth.